
Setting up a Midori to be used as a blog planner

Last week I showed a little bit of my beautiful blue Midori Traveler’s Notebook and mentioned I was turning it into a simple blog planner.

Today I’m going to take you a for a quick walk through my set up for it. If you can think of anything I can tweak or have any great Midori tips let me know in the comments below!

For this set up I’ve just used two notebooks – a monthly insert from a shop on Ali Express and a dotted insert from Etsy.


I’ve started with the monthly calendar and have given it a little decoration on the cover.


I’m really impressed with this insert. This was less than £2 on Ali Express with free delivery and aside from a slight bend in it thanks to the delivery it’s of a pretty decent quality. It’s great paper to write on and i’ll be getting more inserts in the future from there for definite! I tend to have set days that I post on and this will be used for plotting what I’ll be posting when each month. As I write about lots of different things on my blog I like to plan a bit in advance so I don’t end up just posting about one subject solidly for a couple of weeks. I’ll be writing each post idea on a sticky note so I can move around my plans and once I’ve written and scheduled the post, I’ll write it properly on the pages so these pages will also track where I’m at with my posts writing so I don’t fall behind.


My second insert is for blog ideas and brainstorming. This insert is from Etsy and you can see the difference immediately just from the kind of cover on the insert.


The paper in this insert is a lot smoother and thicker than the monthly insert but as I’m not a big fan of this kind of paper. For those of you that use fountain pens, you’d love this paper as I can imagine bleed being a non-issue. The intention for this book is to have my front page as a running ‘to post’ list with all my post ideas written here until they’re transferred to the monthly planner. The next pages will be for more detailed post ideas, or brainstorming.

This set up replaces my Erin Condren from next month. I had my EC set up as a shop and blog planner but I’m just not using it enough to justify buying another next year so I’d rather use my Midori for blogging and put any shop related planning in my main planner, my Fuchsia Original.

I’m looking forward to using this! My poor Midori has been languishing on a shelf for far too long!

Em x