
Klorane Dry Hair Shampoo Review

After my big top dry hair shampoos post I thought I was done looking for dry hair shampoos.

Oh how wrong I was.

I stumbled across the French brand, Klorane and read a review quoting their dry hair shampoo as the best one out there. Obviously I had to try it.

I found it over on Amazon Prime for a decent £12/13. That’s way more expensive than the Colab one that I’ve been using lately but it’s not horrifically expensive so I was willing to give it a go.

While I’m talking about price and value the first thing I need to say is that a can of this is only 150ml which is smaller than I’d normally expect. Both the Colab dry hair shampoo and the Philip Kinglsey one that I love are 200ml in size. So when it arrived and it was smaller than other dry hair shampoos I normally use I was a little disappointed.

The product

The one I ordered had a brown tint to it but there are others in the range without tints if that’s not your thing. I like going for tinted dry shampoos due to the tendency for them to make your hair grey.

Happily, the tint isn’t noticeable and so my hair didn’t look any different colour-wise after use. This is exactly what I’d expect from a tinted shampoo.

In terms of how my hair feels after use – it does actually feel washed. I don’t use huge amounts of the product – just a little on top and some underneath. I then just brush it through with my fingers which is super easy to do as my hair isn’t knotty at all after use. Given I’ve now had a fringe cut in I need a good dry shampoo and this does the trick perfectly. When I last had a fringe I had to wash my hair daily and I’ve not had to this since having it this time around.


This stuff is fantastic. I’ve found no downsides to the product from a usage point of view. It doesn’t turn my hair grey, it doesn’t make it knotty at all. It leaves my hair looking and feeling clean all day.

I had my earlier concerns about the size of the can but as I haven’t finished it yet after two months of use because you don’t need all that much, it’s not a valid criticism really.

Since I bought this though I went to France on holiday. As this is a French brand I was able to find it in most supermarkets and pharmacies. For a steal.

About £14 for two! Bargain! I obviously bought two packs and some regular shampoo to try.

Whilst looking around the internet I’ve also found it on the Escentual website for £8 although when I found it they had a special on French pharmacy brands so it was only £6. Therefore when I’m running low I’ll probably stalk this website for it being on offer again.

I’m super impressed with this dry shampoo and since finding it for cheaper I’m even more impressed by it. I’m definitely not trying any more now, this is my dry hair shampoo now. 

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