Finding a new hobby for 2018?
I really need to stay away from the computer a bit more.
My day job involves being in front of the computer for most of the day. My home hobbies, the shop and blog also primarily involve a computer. I’d been itching to do something new craft wise for a while and so started thinking about what I could do that takes me from the computer.
I don’t know how, but during some Christmas present research I stumbled across some lovely cross stitch and embroidery kits over on Etsy. I used to cross stitch many years ago and really enjoyed it so I started thinking about maybe going back to that.
Hobby research
So I did what you do now when you research anything it seems and hit up Pinterest. I seriously fell down the rabbit hole. The projects I was seeing were fantastic and in my head I had a list of things I wanted to create or try!
So next time I was at the supermarket I picked up a cross stitch magazine that came with a couple of free kits so I could dip my toe in and see whether I still liked stitching.
The little kits were a great little practice for me. I’d forgotten how much you rely on counting and I’ll be honest I made quite a few mistakes with them! To the point that I didn’t actually finish either of them. It was great to get stitching again and I did really enjoy doing it though. It was nice to just chill out on the couch with Ed, while he played some games and I just got my stitch on.
First project
So the next time I was in Hobbycraft, I picked up one of their kits. My cousin is having a baby this year so I found a lovely kit that would make a perfect new baby gift for him.
The kit is from the ‘Into the Woods‘ range and there’s a matching cushion kit as well. I just bought the simple hoop kit. This kit was reasonably priced. For £8 you get the aida, floss, needle and the hoop.
I love how this turned out. The frame is from Wilkos and complements the design beautifully.
Using the kit
This was an ideal welcome back into stitching properly. Having all the bits and pieces I needed to finish the design and for such a cheap price was ideal. The instructions that came with the kit were simple and easy to follow. It wasn’t very in depth so didn’t go into how to finish off the hoop and things like that. It was clear it was a beginners kit.
Like with other kits I’ve come across since, the kit doesn’t tell you the DMC numbers of the threads, so if you wanted to make it again you’d have a little bit of work to do matching up the colours. The floss it came with felt low quality and knotted up very easily. You got a generous amount of it in the kit though so although there was some waste from knots, I didn’t run out of any colours at all.
Is this my new hobby now?
Definitely. Since completing that project, I’ve completed another three (one embroidery) and have another two in progress. I’ve also signed up to a cross stitch subscription box which I’ll be talking about in another post soon.
Are you looking for a new hobby for 2018? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below! If it’s something crafty you’re after I can’t not recommend a browse of Pinterest or your local craft store for little starter kits. They may not be the very best quality, but it’s much better to try a little introductory project. That way you can check that it’s right for you before spilling a load of cash!
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