
The Best Concealer I have ever used (and it’s cheap!)

I’m aware that’s a really bold statement to make.

However, after seeing some before and after photos on a beauty forum of this concealer I knew I had to try it out for myself. I was pleasantly surprised and discovered that it worked just as well on my skin. It really was the best concealer I had ever used for covering up my acne.

Any regular readers will know I’ve been battling acne for some years. I’m finally in a place where I feel like it’s under control and I feel confident going out with just some BB Cream on now. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t get any spots at all. Every so often one or two will pop up to say hello and annoy the hell out of me. Now though, instead of reaching back for my foundation, I just use a spot of this and I’m good to go.

It’s even overtaken my Kat Von D Concealer as my go-to for cover up my dark circles.

At this point you’re probably thinking it’s going to be hideously expensive. Except it’s not. It’s £4. With free shipping. 

This is it, The Saem Cover Perfection Tip Concealer. It’s available from my most trusted supplier for Korean skincare and make up goods for around the £4 mark with free shipping.

The product

It’s tiny. The weight is 6.8g according the description on the website, though I can’t see that written anywhere on the packaging. It’s slightly thinner than a Burts Bees lip balm and a bit taller with the lid on. This might be off-putting for some but a) I never feel like I use concealer before it goes off and b) this is £4!

Where this does lose points however is the shade range. There’s just three shades to choose from. Clear, Natural and Rich Beige. This is 1.0 – Clear Beige. While I am pale and cool toned (Light 44 Cool in Kat Von D, for reference) thankfully this blended in okay. I do tend to be able to get away with concealers that aren’t quite the right shade, as I don’t tend to use a lot. Obviously, if you’re light skinned you’ll easily be able to make this work. Unfortunately once again with Korean make up, anyone darker will struggle.


This is a little thicker than other liquid concealers I’ve used before, and you really don’t need a lot of this. I’ve been taking the smallest amount onto my finger from the applicator, dabbing it onto the spot and then blending out in a circular motion. I tend to dab the product onto the spot/blemish just once – the rest of the time is spent dabbing around it – to ensure maximum coverage. To say this works wonders is an understatement. I can get very red, angry spots that concealers in the past just haven’t been able to cover up before. This can, with no need for foundation.

Unfortunately the lighting in my bathroom isn’t the best, but hopefully I’ve captured it well enough. On the left is my skin with just Cicapair by Dr Jart and Tosowoong BB Cream on. This is my usual base now. On the right is the same area after just the addition of the concealer.

This does have a scent to it, which reminds me slightly of sun cream? That could be the SPF inside it. While you can smell it if you sniff the product, you can’t when it’s on your skin. As someone who hates smelling anything sat on their skin, this is a relief.

Wear time

I’ve found this varies greatly depending on how much product you use. If I’m heavy handed with my application in the morning, I pay for it by the end of the day. However, if I use just enough to cover the blemish with a little amount of blending out then by the end of the day it still looks the same. If I use too much, it can start to break up through the day. I have oily skin and don’t use a powder, so depending on your skin type, you could get more wear out of this.

I need never buy another concealer again

Do I have you convinced? This is honestly the best make up purchase I’ve made in a long time. The more Korean make up I try, the more confidence I gain in it. I can’t imagine using anything else now and will be buying a back up the next time I make a purchase from my favourite store

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