Purito Pure Vitamin C Serum Review
I love Vitamin C.
It’s up there with retinol as one of the ingredients that has made a real difference to my skin.
Once I’d finished my bottle of Klairs Vitamin C, I knew I needed to go for something stronger. I therefore picked up a bottle of the Purito. This has 10% Vitamin C, vs the 5% in the Klairs.
At £15 for 60ml this is really great value. In fact everything in the Purito range is fantastic value. The Buffet serum is only £17 and my skin has been loving it.
I like the recycled look of the Purito products.
While the pump is a bit temperamental on the whole I’ve no real issues using this bottle.
As I’d been using Vitamin C already, I didn’t patch test this.
I went straight into using this every morning. Two pumps is more than enough to cover my face and neck and it soaks in nice and quick.
The colour of this is golden, although I have sometimes noticed the more I use this, that there’s darker streaks that run through it. I can only assume that it’s oxidising slightly?
Upon further research on this product though, this should be clear. The product has obviously oxidised. I store this in a bathroom (without a shower, so there’s no heat issues) that has no windows. I’ve been using this for a couple of months but can’t remember if it was clear when I purchased it. Therefore, I have no idea whether I purchased it oxidised or it’s just happened really quickly.
Despite only using half of this bottle, I’m going to have to stop using it.
The ‘great value’ of this product isn’t that great if I can’t even get through a healthy portion of the bottle before needing to get rid of it.
This is such a shame. I was enjoying using this and was seeing results. However, research suggests that using oxidised Vitamin C can do more harm than good.
I’m now very torn between purchasing another bottle of this (but from a different seller) and storing it in the fridge, or trying another Vitamin C (I’ve had my eye on the Wishtrend one).
This review didn’t take the turn I was expecting.
I almost didn’t complete this post. Hopefully though it serves as a slight cautionary tale about Vitamin C use. Check the colour when you start using it and keep a close eye on it!
If I do decide to purchase a second bottle of this, I’ll definitely provide an updated review.