Watercolour Birthday Present Card
I keep dipping in and out of watercolour.
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Every so often I’ll grab my paints and have a little session with them. Recently, I decided to create a couple of birthday cards with them.
My inspiration was the striped watercolour birthday cards I made last year.
I decided to try and do something similar, but turn the lines into a birthday present.
Putting colours together has never been my strong point, but I think these worked well. I did one card with bold colours and a second with paler tones.
I love the pastels on this version. With the pinks not as strong, I think I prefer it.
To create this card I used my usual card blanks that are 5in square (usually these* or these*). Rather than painting directly onto the card blank, I use a textured card. This* is my favourite for all types of craft, including painting, stamping and drawing. I cut down the card to the size of the black and then washi taped down the sides to create a rectangle shape in the middle of the card.
The watercolours are use are the still the Winsor and Newtons* that I started my watercolour journey with. To stay on brand I also use W&N foundation watercolour brushes (though I can’t find the actual ones I use). The brush I used for these lines was 1.5in.
To finish off the present I used my Micron pens for the lines (once the paint had dried).
I like this simple card idea and have made a couple to keep in case of emergency card situations.
I’d like to create some more of these for Christmas. In order to get some festive colours I think I’m also going to give handmade watercolours a try. I’ve found some amazing metallic ones* on Etsy that are perfect for Christmas. Expect a festive follow up next month!