
Making a fabric dori without a sewing machine

I have a beautiful blue leather Midori that I bought earlier this year and I love the idea of the Midori system.

In my Bruges haul posts I mentioned that I’d bought lots of pretty fabric without a project in mind and realised they’d be ideal for making doris out of. I found a tutorial I liked here and headed down to Hobbycraft to buy the extra bits I needed for a first attempt.

The only other item I used other than the fabric was this hole punch.


As this was a pure practice run I picked out my least favourite from the fabric stash.


I pretty much followed the tutorial aside from the sewing part (I don’t own a sewing machine currently and didn’t fancy doing it by hand) and the elastic holes – I just followed where the holes were in my actual Midori instead.


Sadly I followed the tutorial when it came to sizing and ended up with a cover that was way too big for my inserts and sadly just too small for a Moleskin.

As first attempts go I’m pretty happy with this. I do need to find some stiffer interfacing or thick felt to go in between though as this cover is just too floppy to be practical. I’ve had a little bit of fraying but I think the interfacing has taken care of most of it so I don’t feel the need to rush out and buy a sewing machine just to make myself a notebook – even though I really would quite like one.

Em x