Isehan Kiss Me Heroine Long Curl Waterproof Mascara Review
I’m still searching for my Holy Grail mascara.
I decided to ask on the Asian Beauty subreddit for some recommendations for a good waterproof mascara and the Isehan Kiss Me Heroine Long Curl Waterproof Mascara was the most recommended. After a quick search, I found it for the bargain price of £5.99 from Ebay with free delivery. Bargain!
After a couple of weeks waiting (as it comes from China), it arrived!
I must admit on seeing the packaging I was a little underwhelmed as it’s not my usual taste. I also found it’s light as a feather, to the point where I thought I’d been sent an empty tube (I hadn’t).
It’s also pretty small – the smallest ‘full size’ mascara I’ve ever seen – just over 11cm long.
The wand is curved, which is my favourite shape to use. The first thing I noticed on opening this, although it’s not too apparent from the picture, is how stringy the product is. You can see just at the end of the brush – that’s actually product, not part of the brush. For the first couple of weeks of use the stringing was quite annoying. I really had to wipe the the brush a lot to ensure I didn’t cover myself in stringy black stuff. Over time though, it did dry out and stopped being an issue.
When it comes to longevity I can confidently say I love this mascara. It doesn’t budge throughout the day at all. No panda eyes here! I’ve noticed as the product dried out after a couple of weeks there has been a little bit of flaking throughout the day. However when it flakes it’s almost like dust that just brushes away. It only smudges if I give my eye a full on rub which I only tend to do at the end of a long day anyway.
Repurchase worthy?
Oh yes. Definitely. In fact I have another on the way already. This mascara isn’t perfect; the stringing can be a little annoying at first but I learnt to adapt to it. The fact that it does not move throughout the day though more than outweighs that.
The only real negative this has is how quickly it starts to dry out. I’m about six weeks in on this and I’ll probably only get another two or three out of it. Aside from a couple I’ve used in the past, I usually get three months out of a mascara. This isn’t a deal breaker though on account of it being just £6 and so if I only get a couple of months out it, it’s still amazing value in my book.
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