Q1 Planner Check In
This year, I’ve decided to do quarterly check ins with my planners
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The hope is that it keeps me accountable in terms of not flitting from one planner to another. I also think it would be quite nice to check in versus my planner set ups, to see if I’ve been using them as originally intended.
I will be filming flip throughs of my Weeks and Cousin over on YouTube so if you want a more in depth look of how I’m using the planners, they’ll be on there.
Hobonichi Cousin
I have definitely wound up using it so much more than I thought I would.
The first change I made was putting this into a leather cover* that I’ve had a while.
It’s pretty stuffed already. I’m not sure how this is going to last the year. I’m already struggling to write on the right hand side of the weekly pages because the daily pages are so thick.
I love how the monthly spreads have evolved over the first quarter.
I’m still using this as a content planner/log. However, I started added in samples of new releases from the shop*. I figured this would be a way to pretty up the pages, but also it would be a nice record of shop activity over the course of the year.
The weekly pages started off as a creative planning outlet.
Over time I’ve been doing a lot more work on Lethbridge Paper, and therefore needed the extra planning space that the weekly pages in the Cousin had.
I’ve been reverting back to an old layout here. With my days blocked off according to different kinds of tasks. I used this a few years ago, and it really works having everything segmented out.
As a lot of my Lethbridge Paper tasks aren’t day specific, I can just spread the tasks out over the course of the days and tick them off as I go along.
I’ve really enjoyed doing some journalling in the Cousin this year. Between that and having so much space for random notes and collections, I don’t have a huge amount of empty pages.
This is reflected in my index.
I keep things quite simple with my dailies. It’s more just a nice place to put stickers and ephemera, but I find the process very relaxing.
Hobonichi Weeks
In terms of pens, I started the year with a Platinum Preppy* and have since moved to a Majohn A1*.
I’ve kept up with my activity log, I just wish the weightloss hadn’t tailed off in February.
My monthly layouts remain basically unchanged, I keep things nice and simple and it works for me.
In terms of the weekly pages, the layouts have been slightly tweaked over the quarter.
For a few weeks, I kept my original layout. Events and daily tasks mixed with a little bit of journalling. Then weekly tasks and habit tracking.
However, as I got busier with Lethbridge Paper, I wanted to move away from writing day specific tasks. Instead, I moved my layouts to a more Alistair Layout method.
This allows me to just do a bit of a brain dump of everything I need to get done. I can add in little markers for anything that needs to be done on a specific day. Everything else, I can just find time for over the week.
Instead of journalling my day, I’ve started adding a sticker of the day. It’s helping me use up some sticker stash and not leave blank space when I don’t feel like writing.
I’ve been using these weekly spreads now as more of an aid to planning in my Cousin. I plan out the bare bones of the week in here and then flesh it out in my Cousin.
Aside from the budget planning pages, the notes pages in this have been largely unused. This is because all my collections and note taking is being done in the daily pages of my Cousin instead.
This has been where I’ve done most of my flitting this year. I set up the passport TN originally and as the string was annoying me, I moved into a pocket Moterm instead.
Ultimately, this pocket wasn’t for me. Although I liked the set up in theory, in practice it was too bulky. I needed something that could even fit into my smaller handbags and this couldn’t. So, last week I moved back into my passport! The string does still annoy me, but I’ve got my eye on a new cover* that I’m tempted to splurge on. In the meantime, though, I’m enjoying being back in the TN.
How has Q1 been for you?
Are you in the same planners you started the year in? Are you using anything differently?