The Ginger Cat Co – Etsy Planner Shop Review!
That moment when you’ve been following a shop on Instagram for a while and finally place an order!
That happened to me recently. I’d been following The Ginger Cat Co on Instagram for a while and seeing all the beautiful stickers Shona had been making. After almost making purchases a couple of times I finally bit the bullet a couple of weeks ago.
After a short wait my order was here!
Thanks to the weekly kits being on offer and using a coupon code, I got all these goodies for less than £16 including postage.
What I ordered
First up lets talk weekly kits.
I purchased two kits – Violet Dreams & Hot Air Balloons. Both of these were on offer so they were less than £5 each which for a three page personal kit is fantastic value.
Hot Air Balloon has vibrant blues and pinks and is perfect for summer.
Violet Dreams has a softer colour scheme but is equally summery.
Both kits have a great balance in terms of the different types of stickers you get from full boxes to decorative stickers and icons. The icons are particular favourites of mine as they’re such cute little images. I also like that you don’t get a million different icons most of which you probably won’t use in a regular week.
Because there’s three sheets here I’ll get at least two weeks out of this kit – possibly more. Even at full price (£6) these personal kits are great value.
Some of the stickers I’d been eyeing up for a while were Shona’s bullet journal stickers.
My handwriting is terrible so having these cute little premade calendar stickers will make my bujo look so much prettier.
Speaking of nice writing I had to pick up some holiday stickers.
I never have stickers to mark particular UK holidays and have been after some for a while. These will fit nicely in my personal planner and I love this font!
Finally I received a lovely little sampler with my order and a thank you code.
Repurchase worthy?
Oh yes. The sticker paper is a regular matte sticker paper and feels of a good quality. The cuts were perfect and the service was excellent. I’ll definitely be using my thank you code soon!
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