Hobonichi Cousin 2021 Set Up
Following on from my A6 set up post, I’m showing you my Cousin set up today
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I wouldn’t say I’ve changed up the set up loads. Instead, it’s been more about tweaking the set up to make it more efficient.
It’s not in a cover yet, as I’m moving it into the Moterm cover I purchased earlier this year. I normally like to change up my cover every year, but I’m happy in the Moterm.
I’m not big on decorating planners, so I keep things simple.
I’ve tweaked how I’m using the year overview pages for 2021.
I’ve used this kit from shop to cover up the dates and 2020.
The 2021 side I’m using to mark pay days and bank holidays with Mildliners. I’ll also mark any holidays from work. On the right hand side is where I’ll be tracking how many holiday days I have left and booked dates.
This year I’ve done my tabs slightly differently. I’ve used my favourite Avery tabs* and covered them with this new washi tape*.
The next tab is for the yearly planning pages.
I’ve settled on using these pages an index of my daily pages. The top section will be used to write any important dates. The bottom section is for any highlight pages that I might need to refer to quickly.
Post it notes* are being used to write my plans for the pages until I start the using the planner. Just in case I change my mind (it’s already happened a few times). These are the best ones I’ve found that don’t crinkle the Tomoe River paper.
I want to try and incorporate something new into my monthly pages in 2021
I’m still going to be using them for usual planning, but I also want to log how many hours I spend on the shop/blog each day. Finally, I want to try and write something about each day on these pages. A highlight, gratitude or just something to remember the day by.
The left hand side will be used for tasks for the month.
I’ve used these new style tabs on the months this year. My application is possibly the worst I’ve ever done. I’ve no idea how I get them so wonky.
To differentiate, I’ve used a wide Avery tab* for my current weekly page.
I’m going to be using this pages for my adapted Alistair Method layouts I’ve been doing recently.
The ‘turning a page to a new year’ layout is going to be for a brain dump/goal planning page.
I’m planning on filling this out during my Christmas break from work. It’s always a nice exercise to do just before the start of a new year.
Finally, it’s onto the dailies. Nothing to say about these, other than the current day gets an Avery tab too.
I use my dailies in a variety of ways. Journalling, collections and daily planning mostly.
Have you set up your planners yet?
Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, where I’ll be uploading a video on my 2021 set up!